I am Huggiemanbearpig,aka huggiecarebear. My story is long and amazing, let's begin.I was born on quite a large cloud, a rainbow being right next to it, the other care bears believed this made me a god, they treated me specially because of this, and I was unaware why. Many times other carebears would get angry about my special treatment, they were punished severely.
I was born pure white, but when the first winter approached, I turned a cotton candy Pink color, a rainbow (much like the one i was born next to) appeared on my white belly.My family of blue bears, were jealous of my beautiful Pink color.
When I turned about 10 in carebear years, I would get sick of my friends getting mad about my special treatment, causing me to lash out towards my carebear family, this resulted in me losing many close carebear bonds I had, but now have lost...
Now I'm just a panda on earth, playing with his wood, this should teach you how important family is, and to never take them for granted