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 is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website?

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Constant FBHQer
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is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website? Empty
PostSubject: is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website?   is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website? EmptyTue Oct 09, 2012 11:56 pm

can i just buy stuff from bbr normaly and just sell it on my site?
without asking them and stuff?
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Part of the Furniture
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is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website? Empty
PostSubject: Re: is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website?   is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website? EmptyTue Oct 09, 2012 11:57 pm

Black Buttplug Ramps?
And why would you? you wouldnt make any moeny

Oscar V. wrote:
You never fail to amuse Ben.
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Constant FBHQer
Constant FBHQer

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is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website? Empty
PostSubject: Re: is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website?   is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website? EmptyTue Oct 09, 2012 11:57 pm

yes, black butplug ramps..

is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website? 65684_308901932575339_1406393036_n
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Constant FBHQer
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is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website? Empty
PostSubject: Re: is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website?   is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website? EmptyWed Oct 10, 2012 12:09 am

i assume it is fine, but as ben said, without having some sort of distribution deal you woudlnt make any money. im assuming you are going to tell people they are brr ramps and not take credit for them

is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website? Tumblr_m1ef20M1nB1rpm25ao1_500
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Ken .I
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is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website? Empty
PostSubject: Re: is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website?   is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website? EmptyWed Oct 10, 2012 12:17 am

This could of been on quick question thread..
But yea Ben explained it all.

is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website? Guestlecture-nardwuar
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is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website? Empty
PostSubject: Re: is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website?   is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website? EmptyWed Oct 10, 2012 12:18 am

You don't just buy things and sell them for what you want. Obviously no one would buy stuff from you if you over priced them and it wouldn't be smart to under sell them if you're paying full price. YOu need to contact the company you want to distribute and then work out a deal with them.

is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website? Temp10
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is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website? Empty
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is it ok to buy a bbr ramp and sell it on my website?

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