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 getting going in fingerboards

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FBHQ Beginner
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PostSubject: getting going in fingerboards   getting going in fingerboards EmptyTue Feb 26, 2013 8:26 am

hey guys i just joined this site after watching it for a while and getting more into fingerboarding. i know this might get me some bad rep but 3 weeks ago i found my old tech deck and started messing with it and got into looking more into it and found a totally different side to fingerboards and just got my first real deck a week ago it is a 4corner set up plain simple good starter board and have and tech deck ramp and obstacles i made like pallets anyways im wonder where to go next what can i do to upgrade my skills and board and if there is anyone looking to help me out with and tricks i got ollies and kickflips going well but thats about it so thats where i am thanks
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Big Tom.
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PostSubject: Re: getting going in fingerboards   getting going in fingerboards EmptyTue Feb 26, 2013 10:30 am

Alright dude. best place to look for learning new tricks is youtube. you can try as many set ups til you find your preference. this is a great place to find out fingerboarding news and discuss anything about fingerboarding. look threw the search section before asking questions because most things you want to find out have already been posted.

enjoy fingerboarding. read and learn as much as you can.

take it easy

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PostSubject: Re: getting going in fingerboards   getting going in fingerboards EmptyTue Feb 26, 2013 11:13 am


There a few links on the top banner of this forum to various deck makers, distribution sites etc, which id definitely recommend you check out!

As far as trick tips, the fingertips series is really good.

And also, check out for news on new products, companies and new videos.
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PostSubject: Re: getting going in fingerboards   getting going in fingerboards EmptyTue Feb 26, 2013 11:40 pm

I seriously recommend Lovedrug for decks, cheap and amazing, and made by one of the coolest dude on this forum, for wheels get sow, and trucks don't matter.
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Part of the Furniture
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PostSubject: Re: getting going in fingerboards   getting going in fingerboards EmptyTue Feb 26, 2013 11:47 pm

Welcome man! The best place to learn tricks are mainly from youtube. There are LOADS of tutorials that will help you. I would also recommend getting products from companies in the scrolling bar at the top.
Keep fingerboarding!
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FBHQ Regular
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PostSubject: Re: getting going in fingerboards   getting going in fingerboards EmptyTue Feb 26, 2013 11:50 pm

Matt I've been fingerboading for many years. I used to just use Techdecks too until I finally went online and saw all the various wooden deck companies.

So far I'm kind of in the phase where I'm still trying out all of the different companies decks just to see what I like and to find the company that is right for me.

As far as tricks go, you know its kind of funny I've read and watched tons of "how to" videos on doing tricks, but they never really have helped me. I honestly just figure out the tricks on my own and master them on my own. The main thing to fingerboarding in my opinion is practice and the want to push ones self to a higher level.

If you want to get good just fingerboard all day long and challenge yourself with new tricks. I used to have a stack of flashcards with trick names on them and I would just go down the stack of cards until I've completed all of the tricks.
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PostSubject: Re: getting going in fingerboards   getting going in fingerboards EmptyTue Feb 26, 2013 11:51 pm

Coffee and donuts are to your left.

To upgrade your skills
Try doing tricks into grinds!

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PostSubject: Re: getting going in fingerboards   getting going in fingerboards EmptyTue Feb 26, 2013 11:53 pm

Zink wrote:
Coffee and donuts are to your left.

To upgrade your skills
Try doing tricks into grinds!

That. Nothing feels better than the first time you land a kickflip board. Well, until, you land a heel blunt. Well, until you land keeps going. But flip to grind is an awesome feeling happy
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FBHQ Beginner
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PostSubject: Re: getting going in fingerboards   getting going in fingerboards EmptyWed Feb 27, 2013 12:01 am

what is SOW? @huggiemanbearpig and thats not a bad idea @pureskate i think ill make some flashcards too. what about ramps and rails i kinda want to make my own but that would take time and tools i dont really have and that stuff looks pricey pulse shipping those big things and tips on that and are there any places i should avoid all together?
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Constant FBHQer
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PostSubject: Re: getting going in fingerboards   getting going in fingerboards EmptyWed Feb 27, 2013 12:07 am

reverendmatt wrote:
what is SOW? @huggiemanbearpig and thats not a bad idea @pureskate i think ill make some flashcards too. what about ramps and rails i kinda want to make my own but that would take time and tools i dont really have and that stuff looks pricey pulse shipping those big things and tips on that and are there any places i should avoid all together?

I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure SOW is setup of the week very happy
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PostSubject: Re: getting going in fingerboards   getting going in fingerboards EmptyWed Feb 27, 2013 12:24 am

morrowsnow wrote:
reverendmatt wrote:
what is SOW? @huggiemanbearpig and thats not a bad idea @pureskate i think ill make some flashcards too. what about ramps and rails i kinda want to make my own but that would take time and tools i dont really have and that stuff looks pricey pulse shipping those big things and tips on that and are there any places i should avoid all together?

I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure SOW is setup of the week very happy

thats sotw,sow is a disto
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Blossoming FBHQer
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PostSubject: Re: getting going in fingerboards   getting going in fingerboards EmptyThu Mar 14, 2013 3:26 am

Practice, Practice, Practice. Are you a (possibly former) skateboarder as well? A lot of the tricks I learned came from knowing how to do them on a skateboard.

Start off with getting your ollie and flip tricks consistent. Make sure that if you're riding regular, you don't need to "pull back" to pop the trick. Most importantly, learn to catch your tricks. This will help immensely with flip tricks both in and out of grinds. It will also give you a nice style boost. You'll also want to get familiar with popping into all types of grinds. This will help later on when you're doing flip tricks into them.

Another thing I should mention is to learn how to do switch tricks. This is a problem with me at the moment, but I'm working on it.

I just started fingerboarding again as well and got my first 4cfb complete last month. Try out some new deck sizes. I prefer 32mm, but some people ride smaller sizes. Good luck!
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Trevor Westad
Part of the Furniture
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PostSubject: Re: getting going in fingerboards   getting going in fingerboards EmptyThu Mar 14, 2013 3:53 am

SeamusMcFlurry wrote:
Zink wrote:
Coffee and donuts are to your left.

To upgrade your skills
Try doing tricks into grinds!

That. Nothing feels better than the first time you land a kickflip board. Well, until, you land a heel blunt. Well, until you land keeps going. But flip to grind is an awesome feeling happy
Verry true happy
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