I think it's safe to say, for the most part, businesses/companies regardless of the trade they are involved in, are gonna maximize profits, at any cost. It's not always the case, but logically speaking, lower purchase, higher sale price. As far as a manufacture. I know the normal or standard retail mark up for 70% of goods, from the retailer, is about 25-30%
Meaning your average mom and pop and smaller volume retailers(short of wal mart, or target or brand owned stores), you pay 10 bucks, they bought it for 7-7.50. Mark ups in skateboarding are even less for skate shops, which is why it's so hard to be small skateshop.
Totally agree with you brother. I read before it's believed a typical pair of Jordans cost 17 bucks to manufacture. Now Nike does buy the fudge out of advertising, but at this point, everyone knows Nike, period.
Nike could stop advertising and lower prices, everyone "knows" Nike....