OMG I'm done!!!
I'm done I'm done I'm done.
Well I just finished making the ramps. OMG I'm tired and exhausted.
I've made some ramps before, but man these just took so much effort and I was trying to go the extra mile and make them as best as I could.
One of the reasons why it took me a long time and lots of hard work is because I don't necessarily have the best tools for the jobs that I was trying to complete.
Cutting straight lines with a scroll saw is not the best thing and It took me a long time because I was learning and doing new things which I've never done before.
In high school when I build ramps I didn't mess with any angles or cut any wood at certain angles (well a little but not a lot) nor did I try and make the metal coping flush with the wood on the transitions nor ever build a ramp with a curve on it otherwise known as a quarter pipe.
So yeah, It took a lot of effort because I had to figure all this stuff out and experiment with stuff, come up with techniques and so on.
Here you can see that I've pretty much got the hang of flushing out the metal coping on the transition.
I don't know how everyone else does it, but what I did was marked off where the coping was going to be placed and then put a bunch of layers of masking tap on the wood part that I want to keep and not cut then take a razor blade and make a clean cut into the wood and kind of dig out a little of the wood. Then I take my belt sander and smooth out the rest of the wood that I want gone.
I wanted to use like a router, but that metal is so thin I ended up not doing it.
And this is as flush as that baby is going to get.
Here is the kink rail and its even screwed in too.
Also I didn't just eyeball that rail when I screwed in it. I measured it and its dead center.
And here is the quarter pipe, finally with coping on it. I also had to trim it a little for it to sit flat on a table.
Here is the other one with the shot gun rail. Finished at last.
And all that metal coping was cut by hand with metal sheers. Not easy!!!
And since these rails are from Airflo and put some stickers on there to represent!!!
So I talked about a half pipe or mini ramp and I was really wanting to do it, but I loaded all of the ramps in the car and didn't really see anymore room to put it.
I might have been able to fit it in, but I just ran out of time. I'm going to drive up there one day in advanced so I'm leaving Friday and then the event is Saturday.
Hopefully there will be some cool footage and stuff from the event. I'll try and post a video on youtube.