I have a black and white lakewood "Floofy" split/engraving. Before I formally start though, lemme just say the owner of Lakewood is super nice and for the customer service wise I'd give him a 10/10. Anyways, the shape of the deck is super comfortable, the concave is medium to low. The kicks I'd say are a medium. The shape overall isn't awkward and really fitting to my fingers, 9/10. -1 Just because I like short and round noses and tails - kinda biased on my part haha. The craftsmanship ship however, is a 7/10 in MY opinion. The deck itself is study but the splitply I got had some gaps and the laquer or whatever didnt fill the gaps all the way. In all though, I think you'd enjoy it! People have different prefrences but I feel like lakewood can fufill most differences.