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 Riley Greer vs Twest at a bomb in a bowl

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Blossoming FBHQer
Blossoming FBHQer

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Catfish BBQ new mold
FBS Extra Smooth
Blackriver Trucks 32 mm
Winkler TLC
Witchcraft bushings

Riley Greer vs Twest at a bomb in a bowl Empty
PostSubject: Riley Greer vs Twest at a bomb in a bowl   Riley Greer vs Twest at a bomb in a bowl EmptySat Jan 11, 2014 11:45 pm

(Posting the rest of the games as soon as they render)
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Trade Moderator

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Riley Greer vs Twest at a bomb in a bowl Empty
PostSubject: Re: Riley Greer vs Twest at a bomb in a bowl   Riley Greer vs Twest at a bomb in a bowl EmptySun Jan 12, 2014 1:03 am

I was talking to Trevor about this today, he said he sucked lol
Now I can make fun of him very happy

Shit could be worse
Instagram: wantsomeslawfb
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Blossoming FBHQer
Blossoming FBHQer

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Age : 28
Location : Whittier, California
Setup : Woob Rlx
FBS Extra Smooth
Blackriver Trucks 32 mm
Flatface gold brr editions
Witchcraft bushings

Catfish BBQ new mold
FBS Extra Smooth
Blackriver Trucks 32 mm
Winkler TLC
Witchcraft bushings

Riley Greer vs Twest at a bomb in a bowl Empty
PostSubject: Re: Riley Greer vs Twest at a bomb in a bowl   Riley Greer vs Twest at a bomb in a bowl EmptySun Jan 12, 2014 1:38 am

Haha he was doing good before, but the game of skate was iffy :b
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FBHQ Beginner
FBHQ Beginner

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Riley Greer vs Twest at a bomb in a bowl Empty
PostSubject: Re: Riley Greer vs Twest at a bomb in a bowl   Riley Greer vs Twest at a bomb in a bowl EmptyMon Jan 13, 2014 9:40 am

so baller;)

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PostSubject: Re: Riley Greer vs Twest at a bomb in a bowl   Riley Greer vs Twest at a bomb in a bowl Empty

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Riley Greer vs Twest at a bomb in a bowl

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