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 looking to upgrade

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FBHQ Beginner
FBHQ Beginner

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looking to upgrade Empty
PostSubject: looking to upgrade   looking to upgrade EmptySun Nov 02, 2014 7:41 pm

hello, im new to the community, but i have been fingerboarding since 99-2000 (aka 6 years old) i learned how to Ollie almost immediately, i remember buying my first tech deck it was a bam board and it came with a case, and an instructional video, and ever since then ive been into it.

up to about the last year i told myself i would never spend more then $20 on a fingerboard so i never really got passed all that, but then i found the broken knuckle boards on ebay and bought the $20 one with lathed wheels etc. looking to invest in my skill and passion for fingerboarding since i could no longer skate (because of ankle problems and going on my 2nd hip surgery.) anyways i love the board! it makes such a difference!!! wow! i see a tech deck now and it looks like a tooth pick. ive built 2 little skate parks that if i had the chance i could shred all day.

anyways thats where im at now. my broken knuckle is a good board! i would destroy tech decks within the first few hours and this one has held up for a year! no problems! with very consistent use too. however i noticed that i am not as consistent on my tricks after making the switch, on the old tech decks i could land stuff (mostly talking flip tricks) everytime, grinds, the BK wins everytime, flip in flip out etc, easier to catch. but when i do do the tricks they are a lot more cleaner and styled. but im about to go in for another surgery and i will be on crutches for 3 weeks, basically at home the whole time and i want to maybe get another board and retire this one.

im looking at maybe getting a 32mm next because i think that's my problem with my rocket flips and flicks, its feels like when i pop my fingers miss the board completely

my budget is fairly low because i will be out of work for the next 2-4 months and only have about $100 to my name. and would perfer to spend around $40ish at most unfortunately.

i was originally thinking about buying another broken knuckle but buying all the parts separate and make my own set up. idk what do you guys think?

ps. sorry about the book very happy
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looking to upgrade Empty
PostSubject: Re: looking to upgrade   looking to upgrade EmptySun Nov 02, 2014 10:24 pm

Any deck from the banner for like 20
Second hand Flatface/Winkler Wheels for like 10-15
China trucks for 5
There ya go, I'm sure lots of people would be able to help you get all the equipment.

Shit could be worse
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looking to upgrade Empty
PostSubject: Re: looking to upgrade   looking to upgrade EmptyMon Nov 03, 2014 4:35 pm

as Slaw said anything from the banner in 32mm or even 33mm! Try to get som tech deck longboard trucks! they are a real improvement against these smaller china trucks and for the wheels just het anything second hand from a known brand it'll do the job happy (I have some cheapp g6o wheels from FF if you're interested)

looking to upgrade Maciek10
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