aparently i just found some un built kits of them in my closet
i guess they have been there for years and years cause i havent messed much with fingerboarding since that era - and i havent seen any of them in a while - until i spied some crazy guy trying to sell the vert ramp kit on ebay for like 130 buy it now - lol seriously haha maby they r hard to come by but holy cow not that hard to find... haha
so my question to yall - do they have any nostalgic value to them ? or should i build them up and see how they turn out ? heck i dont know i might even want to swap them for some good used trucks / wheels - im completely fascinated by the blackriver trucks and also the y trucks.. they cost more than full size skateboard trucks do !! ...o by the way - hello im new to this site, it looks like a great place - but also wow - seriously im blown away at the tecnology that has gone in to fingerboards.
i paypaled up a 16$ ebay peoples republic complete to try it out and some diffrent tuning color bushings to test with soft med hard.. hoping that it is a good entry level setup for me to get back in to fingerboarding.
ill post pix of my ramp kits tomoro as im off to work now at my skatepark
ramp48 in ft lauderdale FL usa