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 Cool story

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Constant FBHQer
Constant FBHQer

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PostSubject: Cool story   Cool story EmptyTue Jul 24, 2012 7:44 pm

this didnt happen to me, it was on another forum and i have no idea if it is real or or not

so about 3 weeks ago me and about 4 other friends were hanging out in a forest near a cliff, there was a party but like police and the kids parents showed up cause it got out of control, like over 150 random black people (not bein racist) showed up cause it was on the corner of a main road and there was fights and ----- so we got the fuck out of there cause police were coming in. no big deal escape or anything but we were all drunk as fuck and really high, we were walking around breaking mailboxes and shit til we got to this forest and we were collecting wood to build a campfire or some shit until my one buddy went over and discovered this old ass abandoned building from like the 1920s.

so theres this tower on top of an abandonded mental hospital thats been empty since like world war I, people have been going there for years partying n shit all the time, theres broken tables and beer bottles and all kinds of shit there. anyways we went here a couple times years ago but we didnt even remember what it was like inside. so its friday night at like 10pm we had fuck all to do so we decided to go to this place and chill cause it was sick. so we get there and every window is boarded up, doors and bolted shut and everything and like we have no idea how the fuck to get in.

so we climb up this wall thing drunk and baked as ----- my one buddy actually cut open his hand on broken glass we didnt even notice til later, but yea we got on the roof and found a crowbar so we were looking for a place to break in but all the windows were too high up but we found this door that like lead underground underneath the place all boarded up. so after like 4 of us cranked this fuckin thing at once we pried off like an 8 foot solid wooden frame and cracked open the door and went in. it was fucking crazy, bunch of old medical equipment, broken glass walls, garbage everywhere, there were those stretcher things they tied up crazy people in and all kinds of trippy shit.

we went down into the basement using our phones as flashlights and we were all tripping the fuck out, we thought we saw ghosts and dead bodies and shit so we were all walking around carrying like make-shift weapons like broken bottles wooden boards, tools whatever lol and so we explore for a while and end up climbing up way up in this tower-building thingy thats lached ontop of the roof, we called it the space ship hot box cause its like a little pod that sits at the top of a stairway ontop of this 4 story building. shit was crazy

anyways were all drinking everything we had left from the party, going shot for shot burning gravity bongs (we had a 3 liter waterbottle shit was cray) and at about 11:50pm or some shit we just hear
"POLICE STOP WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW" and we heard banging/kicking on the wallss we all look at eachother for a split second then just fucking DIP and i mean like DIP we all ran so fucking fast, shit was flying everywhere tables were falling over and ----- there were 2 exits to this room, one was a stairway built inside the building connected and one was an outter stairway to the roof (one we came up on), there was a door inside but a big empty metal safe was lined up against it as a seat/table we used, so the door jammed and the cops couldnt get in the same room as us, so they were like stuck and we had a small headstart we sprinted down onto the roof and had no idea where to go, me and my boy ricky are looking over the edge seeing if theres anywhere we can climb down. my other 2 friends go running straight back into the building, they seemed like they knew where they were going so we fuckin ran with em and were running through this building.

so were all like fuckin flying through this building, tripping out cause it was scary and we heard cops running everywhere so we get to the top of this stairway that leads to the same place we got in, we see like 4 fuckin flashlights we all pause immediately and my retard friend makes a noise and the lights flash up on us on our faces, we turn arouynd stumbling everywhere running and were at like this foyer floor so my 2 friends run to one side theres a ladder that leads to the basement there heading down it but its like falling apart so there going slow, rickys at the window and he grabs a hose off the fuckin wall and whips it through a window smashing it and hes trying to clear off the sides so he doesnt cut himself, then he starts to like climb out, meanwhile im waiting in line to go down the fuckin ladder and a cop pops out from behind a fucking door on the left wall so i just start running man holy shit i ran all the way to the end of the foyer through the boiler room and back, ran in a circle basically so i get back to the hall and i sprint along the hall i can see more lights towards the ladder so im like fuck it, i instinctively turn left to the room my boy ricky was in and while still in full sprint i fuckin jump from like 4 feet away and i hurl through this fuckin window like an olympic long-jumper and i felt the cop reach at my neck just as i jumped and it threw me off balance i smashed my head off the window frame and went flying through the window but i had no idea where i was going so i grabbed onto the hose that was hanging and it was like between my legs so i wizzed out the window die-hard style with this rusty old 1920s hose scruncing my nuts with one hand, i swing about 10 feet out from the building do a 180 then the hose goes right back and im swinging right back towards the window i see the cop staring at me with a light so i fuckin change levels and slide down this thing and about 15 ft lower i smash into a brick wall and pipe and fuckin mangle my shoulder, i can barely hold on now so im sliding down this hose along the wall and then my boy ricky is like spidermanning down the wall all slow and shit then i just swing down and my ass smashes him right in the head and he drops off the hose onto a tin roof and goes right through it and then i fall to and land on some boxes of cardboard right next to him.

i have no idea how ricky didnt die, we landed like a foot from all this broken glass and shit but anyways were only like 1 or 2 stories off the ground now running along the edge of the smaller building off the side, he jumped to the second level and i tripped and rolled off the edge and slid down this iron pipe, if i wasnt waearing jeans i wouldve ripped my nuts clean off, then we were headed towards the part
we climbed up on but we saw like 4 fucking squad cars so we turn around and theres a cop chasing us we hear dogs barking were freaking out so im like fuck it and i grab ricky and we both jump off this mini-roof thing and barrel roll off the ground and as soon as we landed we started sprinting as fast as we could, we headed straight to the forest and just before we got there there wass a road infront of it and a cop pulled up out of nowhere and ricky made it across i ran and jumped, cleared the windshield of this cruiser and broke the mirror off it with my ankle and tumbled down into a revine. my boy kept running so i was like 20ft behind and im running between trees and shit i can hear like 4 cops chasing me yelling and lights n ----- i run about 300 yards and were in this bushy area where theres a big fence, it didnt have wires or anything but it was like 12 feet so i slowed down i thought the cops stopped so i was catching my breath for a sec when a 2 lights started coming towards me from different directions so im like fuck im done now,

i start slowly walking towards the fence and i step on the wrong stick and it makes the most ridicolously loud snap noise ever, the cops start fuckin running at me so i book it again and i knew i couldnt climb this fence cause i was too drunk so i ran and jumped like 4 feet in the air onto a tree with one foot then used that to boost me to halfway up the fence real quick so like i jumped ground-tree-fence in like 1 second and im up on this fence, my shirt gets caught so i jump anyways and it rips in half so i keep running and im at this like overgrown bushy ski-hill that connects to the side of the forest so im sprinting still and im like 30 feet from the edge, i hear a cop yell "OVER THERE" so i turn around for a split second to look how far they are away, theres literally liek 4 cops so im like FUCK and i turn back around and i trip, lose my footing and wiped the fuck out. i started tumbling down this hill, i honestly rolled through like 60 yards of bushes, trees and shit i had no control i was just barrel rolling like a mad man i was going so fast i cleared right over a 6-ft wide path inbetween the hills and kept rolling. i was like running and i kept falling and rolling then id get back up keep running it was crazy, i get to the bottom and id never been here before so i have no idea where im going im like down the side of the cliff now (part of my city is on a mountain so like i ran down the side basically) and its like a bike path. i find this shitty ass bike in the bush and i start pedalling like a motherfucker i had no idea where i was going just along this path and then after like 60 feet the chain pops off and i go flying over the handle bars and smash my right arm. so like my right arm/shoulder is useless now so im running holding one arm like a retard and just when i think im done i end up at a golf-course parking lot, theres 2 crackheads doing burnouts in golf-carts in the west end of the parking lot so i run over full speed and i time it perfectly there coming ot a stop one gets out and looks like hes gonna puke on the curb the other didnt even see me i ran full speed and dropkicked the motherfucker right out of the front seat,

like dukes of hazard style i kicked this guy right in the face with both my feet im pretty sure he was knocked out cold but i kept going anyways,
i went too far and was like hanging out the side and i grab the wheel and id never driven this thing before so i just start flying the wrong direction, im going straight for a hill the wrong way but i turn at

the last second and almost flip it over, so im heading back to the rest of the path and a fucking squad car pulls up the driveway and theres 2 flashlights on the path in the distance behind me running too so i go to the corner of the parking lot and they put these bigass rocks on it so people dont drive there cars/ATVs on the path so i pull my leg in and put it to high speed and i BARELY got inbetween these 2 rocks, the whole cart shook and i saw sparks flying, im pretty sure one of the tires blew out but then i hit full throttle and once again almost crashed, but i got my shit under control so now im crusing down a path at night,

saw a random ass hobo picking up beer cans and ----- i was about 200 yards from the police now and then out of nowhere some dude jumps out of the bush and i hit the breaks and he jumps out of the way but i clip him in mid air. i was like fucki t and started driving again and then this dude runs up and jumps onto the back i was like oh fuck a fuckin cop but it was my boy ricky man he was hanging on the side and he jumps into the passenger and hes like holy fuck man DRIVE, he was running along there the whole way while i was getting chased by cops, he said he heard a car coming and he saw lights so he jumped in a bush to hide then he saw me and i was about a second away from killing him.

anyways we keep driving and the tire i blew out earlier blows right off after about 3 or 4 minutes (felt like hours at the time, so intense) and the thing starts leaning to the one side but its still going fast so we stay in til we hit a fuckin rock and the thing pops up in the air ricky goes flying out and i jump out too and the thing flips over and hurls into a tree then into a revine. we didnt even look back we just got up and kept running then we saw a set of stairs with lights that went up to the escarpment about 100ft away so we cut through the forest and like ran along it about 40ft out cause we thought cops would be there, so we get to the top and we cant run no more and we didnt want to go to the stairs so we climbed up like 15 feet of rock in bare hands, got to the top, just as i was about to step up my foot slipped and i was climbing up with a useless dummy arm n shoulder so i woulda fallen but ricky grabbed my arm and pulled me up it was crazy my life was flashing before my eyes i went all that way and almost fell to my death for like the 6th time. he pulls me up, were jogging on this street and we hear a car coming so we dip this dudes fence and run through a guys yard and out onto his front lawn, we have no idea where we are so were just running fence hopping and shit and we both end up jumping into some random dudes backyard, he was having a party and there was like a barbeque, pattio about 15 dudes and they were all just chillin cleaning up and me and my boy just come flying over this guys fence and land next to a table of people just staring at us. my shirts basically ripped in half, were both covered in blood and ricky tries to keep running LOL and this dude just grabs him and hes like woah woah what the fuck happened and we were so out of breath we just fell down they ran over there like woah call 911 this kids fuckin dying im like NO man cops were chasing us through the woods for the last hour, give us a minute to rest well explain everything.

some guy in sunglasses just stands up and hes like "whaaa da faaaaaaaaaaaaaack" and all these people in like there 20s are just howling like what the fuck 2 kids just flew over the fence lol, so they get us to sit at the table and by now its like 1am and there parties kinda ending and theres all these extra burgers and hotdogs and chips on the table, they tell us to dig in so they dont have to clean it up, i ate like 6 fucking hamburgers and drank about 4 cans of pop and some beer while we told these people who were just as hammered as us the entire story. after telling them for about half an hour and how we were smoking weed and shit some dude goes and grabs a bong from the house and they smoke us out a bunch of dank because we made their night. we got even more drunk high and got some girls numbers then at like 4am we walked back to my buddy rickys house and his parents were asleep so we snuck in and went and plugged our phones in to charge cause they were dead.went on facebook quick added all the new people we met ahahah then we fuckin crashed literally 2 minutes after getting into the room,

woke up like 4pm the next day and ate dinner at his house and went home and slept for another 5 hours then woke up at midnight and watched a UFC event. apparently my 2 friends who went down the ladder ran out the door we came in and my one friend got grabbed so my other friend punched a cop then they both ran about 5 miles the wrong direction and spent like 3 hours lost in the hood looking for a way home. my other buddy hid in the fucking abandoned pitch dark basement for like 2 hours til the cops dipped and then he waited an extra hour in silence and he thought he saw demons and shit so he freaked out and ran out of the building and a cop was still cruising the area so he almost got caught again, but we all made it away without getting caught. the boy that was hiding in the basement heard the cops talking and ----- he says they had atleast 20 cops looking for us and they were gonna call a helicopter but the captain said fuck it. the one cop was freaking out saying he almost died and shit and it turns out the reason the cops showed up was because when we broke down the door we set a silent-alarm off and the cops responded late cause they were busy which is why we werent busted right away, but still we werent even there that long.

it was so crazy i stayed home from school the first 2 days of the week recovering, it was probably the most interesting story of my life. i ended up tearing 3 muscles in my arm, my trapezius, i dislocated my shoulder, sprained my wrist and ankle and i had bruises all over my body and i have a scar from my asscrack to the side of my back.
all my friends call me ironballs now lol.
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Blossoming FBHQer
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Cool story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cool story   Cool story EmptyTue Jul 24, 2012 7:50 pm

damn it. i want my 5 minutes back. i was hoping they got arrested.
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Part of the Furniture
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PostSubject: Re: Cool story   Cool story EmptyTue Jul 24, 2012 7:53 pm

that literally took me 10 minutes to read
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PostSubject: Re: Cool story   Cool story EmptyTue Jul 24, 2012 7:58 pm

wonduh wrote:
damn it. i want my 5 minutes back. i was hoping they got arrested.

lol. sounds pretty much like every day of my younger years..

kinda disappointed now i read it all though.....3rd through i was hoping their were zombies and werewolfs in the old crazy hospital who you shared pipes with...that would have been a story.
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Melvin A Thomas
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Cool story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cool story   Cool story EmptyTue Jul 24, 2012 9:27 pm

I want to make this as a film or other some sort of stuff.
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Jayden H.
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PostSubject: Re: Cool story   Cool story EmptyTue Jul 24, 2012 9:38 pm

I'll be honest, I read the first two paragraphs, then scrolled down to see what was waiting in store.

Then I was like.

Cool story Bpd
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PostSubject: Re: Cool story   Cool story EmptyTue Jul 24, 2012 9:42 pm

WTF did I just read lol.

I pretty much did what Jayden did lol
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PostSubject: Re: Cool story   Cool story EmptyTue Jul 24, 2012 10:23 pm


this generation = disappointed.
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Constant FBHQer
Constant FBHQer

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PostSubject: Re: Cool story   Cool story EmptyTue Jul 24, 2012 10:24 pm

really this story is disappointing to you? you must have on exciting life, why not post a story you have
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Billy Mackean
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PostSubject: Re: Cool story   Cool story EmptyTue Jul 24, 2012 11:32 pm

i really enjoyed that haha, craziest shit i have heard in a while happy
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PostSubject: Re: Cool story   Cool story EmptyWed Jul 25, 2012 12:38 am

GrantB wrote:
really this story is disappointing to you? you must have on exciting life, why not post a story you have

I once Laser Flipped El Toro when I was twelve.
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Cool story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cool story   Cool story EmptyWed Jul 25, 2012 2:47 pm

TL;DR - The kids were all high and drunk, everyone successfully escaped the cops, main protagonist suffered arm and shoulder damage.
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PostSubject: Re: Cool story   Cool story EmptyWed Jul 25, 2012 6:14 pm

Not to be rude or anything but FUCK reading that shit.
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Part of the Furniture
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PostSubject: Re: Cool story   Cool story EmptyWed Jul 25, 2012 6:16 pm

the moral of the story is:
if you smoke pot, strange shit happens, and you end up with your arm getting fucked up.
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Cool story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cool story   Cool story EmptyThu Jul 26, 2012 10:13 am

IeatBananas wrote:
the moral of the story is:
if you smoke pot, strange shit happens, and you end up with your arm getting fucked up.

I usually just feel light, then I laugh a lot, then my eyes start to squint and everything fascinates me, then I get chilled, then I get tired and go to sleep.

What weed you smoking? xD
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Jayden H.
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Cool story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cool story   Cool story EmptyThu Jul 26, 2012 10:20 am

GunnerBoser wrote:
IeatBananas wrote:
the moral of the story is:
if you smoke pot, strange shit happens, and you end up with your arm getting fucked up.

I usually just feel light, then I laugh a lot, then my eyes start to squint and everything fascinates me, then I get chilled, then I get tired and go to sleep.

What weed you smoking? xD

That's the best part, I love going to bed high then waking up feeling so relaxed, but still have energy to do stuff. Perfect<3]

Edit: so it's like 3:30 am, and I had nothing to do(xbox shitted on me) so I actually read this. Pretty fucking intense to be honest! Thanks Grant for actually reading this story then posting it on here, it was enjoying to read happy The only thing that got annoying, is that there was "fuck" and "shit" while sometimes it'd be "------" like wadafuq. hahaha.

Cool story Obama-not-bad-face
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Part of the Furniture
Part of the Furniture

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Cool story Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cool story   Cool story EmptyThu Jul 26, 2012 1:00 pm

Jayden H. wrote:
GunnerBoser wrote:
IeatBananas wrote:
the moral of the story is:
if you smoke pot, strange shit happens, and you end up with your arm getting fucked up.

I usually just feel light, then I laugh a lot, then my eyes start to squint and everything fascinates me, then I get chilled, then I get tired and go to sleep.

What weed you smoking? xD

That's the best part, I love going to bed high then waking up feeling so relaxed, but still have energy to do stuff. Perfect<3]

Edit: so it's like 3:30 am, and I had nothing to do(xbox shitted on me) so I actually read this. Pretty fucking intense to be honest! Thanks Grant for actually reading this story then posting it on here, it was enjoying to read happy The only thing that got annoying, is that there was "fuck" and "shit" while sometimes it'd be "------" like wadafuq. hahaha.

Cool story Obama-not-bad-face

The best part is the day after when you still don't feel yourself completely.
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