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FBHQ Beginner
FBHQ Beginner

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PostSubject: graphics   graphics EmptyFri May 23, 2014 3:45 am

I own wilddeckz fingerboards. And would really like to learn how to make wearable graphics if you know how or could teach me that would be greatly appreciated
-Gannon Miller
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FBHQ Beginner
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PostSubject: Re: graphics   graphics EmptyFri May 23, 2014 5:30 am

kinda doubt anyone would just be willing to teach you.
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FBHQ Beginner
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PostSubject: Re: graphics   graphics EmptyFri May 23, 2014 5:41 am

the people that have wearable graphics have spent countless money on testing, different methods, materials, and the list goes on... and for that reason, they probably don't want to share there secret. they've worked so hard to achieve this, and they probably didn't get any help trying. also, I'm sure it takes a lot of expertise to actually make them.

as any other "how can i do this" thread, experiment a little very happy you may find it better to fulfill other aspects other than graphics, just have fun rather than worry about it. if it were easy and free, everyone would be involved in making real wear graphics.

i think making good quality boards are more important than having fancy graphics, in my opinion anyway.

btw i think this is in the wrong section  cool
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Blossoming FBHQer
Blossoming FBHQer

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graphics Empty
PostSubject: Re: graphics   graphics EmptyFri May 30, 2014 1:47 am

You use heat transfer paper just like a skateboard!
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FBHQ Regular
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PostSubject: Re: graphics   graphics EmptyFri May 30, 2014 4:48 am

Here are a few tips:

- Don't draw graphics with sharpie or markers as the ink bleeds all over the place and the final product tends to not look so good.

- Some companies just print out the graphics on a high gloss thin paper from their computer printer and put it on their decks with a clear coat on top of it to protect the graphic.

- Some companies use a laser engraver where a machine laser engraves a graphics on the deck.

- You could also get a custom metal stamp made and heat it up and burn your name brand or image on the bottom ply of wood similar to what blackriver does with their ramps.

- You could also just get custom stickers made by a professional company and then just stick a sticker on the bottom of your decks.

- Also you can find a company who will print your graphic on a heat transfer paper and then you have to apply that graphic to your decks with heat.

If you really want great graphics you have to do research yourself on the many ways of doing this and after you have done the research then only you will know what method is right for your company and what you can afford.
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