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 Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks

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Mikkel S
Mikkel S

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Setup : Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks J9VuKBZ

Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks Empty
PostSubject: Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks   Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks EmptyThu May 31, 2012 9:05 pm

Can you please messure the thickness of the axle and post it (maybe even as a picture) here.

I need it for something mindblowing.
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Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks   Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks EmptyThu May 31, 2012 9:22 pm

the axles on china trucks vary....

my china's come in at around 29.20mm


i would guess they slightly vary though..
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Mikkel S
Mikkel S

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Setup : Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks J9VuKBZ

Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks   Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks EmptyThu May 31, 2012 9:36 pm

Thanks a lot Ross happy

Thread can be locked/deleted/whatever.
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Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks   Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks EmptyThu May 31, 2012 9:50 pm

not gonna share the something mindblowing then?

you got me excited :lol:
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Part of the Furniture
Part of the Furniture

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Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks   Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks EmptyThu May 31, 2012 9:57 pm

blosom wrote:
not gonna share the something mindblowing then?

you got me excited :lol:

I think someone is making trucks very happy
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Mikkel S
Mikkel S

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Setup : Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks J9VuKBZ

Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks   Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks EmptyThu May 31, 2012 9:58 pm

Don't get too excited. I will share when it arrives very happy
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PostSubject: Re: Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks   Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks Empty

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Anyone with a digital caliper and a set of china trucks

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