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Blossoming FBHQer
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Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptySun May 19, 2013 4:32 pm

You know, I actually really didn't know which category to post this in. It seems to be relevant to fingerboarding yet not serious enough for the discussions area so..

If you watch Doctor Who you will most likely understand the following references.
Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 ZSEcXRj
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Oscar V.
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PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptySun May 19, 2013 4:47 pm


OT: Clean hospital flips <3
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Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptySun May 19, 2013 6:41 pm

Ellie wrote:
Danny Hynam wrote:
Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 392370_10151650078309124_61442132_n

let me tell u a thing

The amount of misogyny and ignorance in this post and page... I can't even comprehend.

Few things I want to address:
a) your period does not always disappear when you're on birth control
b) the size of the penis and the size of a baby does not even match up
c) you're implying that abortion is wrong
d) just because a man is biologically more capable to "lift" does not mean women are inferior; we share the same biologically worth.
e) the misogynistic language used in this post is disgusting

First of all, the obvious male response in retaliation to that Tumblr post is by far, more ignorant than anything I have ever seen. Second, the response is implying that women who have sex are sluts? Unacceptable and unintelligent. Using the term is already shows how stupid that person is. How about you stop undermining a woman’s autonomy by referring to her body as an object whose worth is determined by how frequently they have sex. All in all, women have it worse than men.

Men do not have to worry about walking on the street at 3AM without the fear of being raped or sexually assaulted.
Men do not have to deal with individuals hollering them out in the middle of the street.
Men do not get treated as a sexual object and a piece of meat in media and every day life.

Another good example is that men are called assertive and driven when the women is considered a bitch.

Danny: just by posting this, you have shown how narrow-minded you are... and this should be an example that misogyny is well and alive in this world. This is extremely ignorant. By posting this it shows that you agree with it. How dare you agree with something so dehumanizing?

First of all, I do agree that abortion is wrong in all but exceptional cases. Who are you to decide someone else's fate? It is the murder of an individual who cannot speak for themselves.

Secondly, I agree that the bloke replying is in the wrong; he's a total knob. HOWEVER; the statement that women have it worse is bad enough in the image, and made worse by your defence if it. A THIRD of rape victims are men; men are also likely to be attacked in the street. Men are treated as sexual objects (albeit not to the same extent as women), and yet women see that as fine. There is a subtle hypocrisy and form of female 'chauvinism' in this whole argument that denied women can be at fault for such crimes as sexism, rape, objectification or domestic violence.

Finally, periods? Really? What about the loss of gender identity for men? And as for that last bit about watching your bloke with someone else? First, how pathetic, second there's the suggestion women don't cheat. My first girlfriend cheated on me constantly, does that qualify me for the pill?

Final edit: on the subject of dehumanising; what do you think your opinion on abortion is? You turn an embryonic human being into an object you decide whether or not to keep (read kill).

Last edited by SeamusMcFlurry on Sun May 19, 2013 6:47 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptySun May 19, 2013 6:44 pm

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Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptySun May 19, 2013 7:39 pm

Some very big words have been used and that scares me. We all go through different types of pain and stuff but in the end we all turn out as human beings. And I agree with Chris, it is technically murder. You are killing a living being that cant even talk, let alone defend its self. How would you like it if your mum said she didn't want you anymore and then decide to kill you? And to be honest I hate the society we live in now. Its all so opinionated and sexist and some other words that end with ist. I wish it was simpler.
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Danny H
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Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptySun May 19, 2013 7:50 pm

Chris got it spot on, both party's of the picture are being just as ignorant as eachother, but the male is clearly over exaggerating in retaliation - 'You want to be ignorant? I can be ignorant too'.

Abortion is obviously a touchy subject, but imagine if it weren't an option?
You'd end up with a lot more teenage parents who wouldn't be able to look after their kids, the kid would grow up in poverty or end up being tossed around carers.
I don't believe it to be murder up until the point that the fetus actually begins to develop, what's the harm in stopping the cells multiplying or whatever it is they do before the fetus has actually started to develop?
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Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptySun May 19, 2013 9:20 pm

Danny Hynam wrote:
what's the harm in stopping the cells multiplying or whatever it is they do before the fetus has actually started to develop?

there's always going to be debate over that, i personally think it is still murder and sick. but that aside, many abortion clinics are killing the baby AFTER its early "cell multiplication" when it DOES have a heart beat, electrical brain activity, and sometimes even after it's been delivered.

Last edited by TaylorT on Sun May 19, 2013 9:21 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fixed a broken quote)
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Danny H
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Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptySun May 19, 2013 9:23 pm

TaylorT wrote:
Danny Hynam wrote:
what's the harm in stopping the cells multiplying or whatever it is they do before the fetus has actually started to develop?

there's always going to be debate over that, i personally think it is still murder and sick. but that aside, many abortion clinics are killing the baby AFTER its early "cell multiplication" when it DOES have a heart beat, electrical brain activity, and sometimes even after it's been delivered.

For me this is when it becomes wrong, I don't agree with that in the slightest. The last one is just disgraceful, surely that doesn't actually happen? What sort of clinic would kill a baby as soon as it's been born?
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Part of the Furniture
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Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptySun May 19, 2013 9:53 pm

Danny Hynam wrote:
TaylorT wrote:
Danny Hynam wrote:
what's the harm in stopping the cells multiplying or whatever it is they do before the fetus has actually started to develop?

there's always going to be debate over that, i personally think it is still murder and sick. but that aside, many abortion clinics are killing the baby AFTER its early "cell multiplication" when it DOES have a heart beat, electrical brain activity, and sometimes even after it's been delivered.

For me this is when it becomes wrong, I don't agree with that in the slightest. The last one is just disgraceful, surely that doesn't actually happen? What sort of clinic would kill a baby as soon as it's been born?

it's a big scandal in American news lately. this abortion "doctor" has been sentenced to life without parole (why not death) for 7 accounts of murder. he probably killed hundreds of baby's out of the womb, we have no way of knowing. apparently this happens at many abortion clinics, when a baby somehow survives the first attempt, it is delivered and not offered medical treatment. the spinal chords are brutally punctured. sickening.
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Danny H
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Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptySun May 19, 2013 10:01 pm

That's fucking disgusting, people like that deserve death, it's sick. How can people have such terrible morals?
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Constant FBHQer
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PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptySun May 19, 2013 10:19 pm

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Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptySun May 19, 2013 11:01 pm

.eoJ wrote:
Some very big words have been used and that scares me. We all go through different types of pain and stuff but in the end we all turn out as human beings. And I agree with Chris, it is technically murder. You are killing a living being that cant even talk, let alone defend its self. How would you like it if your mum said she didn't want you anymore and then decide to kill you? And to be honest I hate the society we live in now. Its all so opinionated and sexist and some other words that end with ist. I wish it was simpler.

Pretty sure society was even worse a while back considering we had water fountains a long with other things labeled either for whites or blacks. Just throwing that out there lol. Not trying to get into a discussion about racism like what's happened with abortion. On a more serious note though guys, no one is going to change someone's opinion about the whole thing.
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Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptySun May 19, 2013 11:35 pm

Danny Hynam wrote:
How can people have such terrible morals?


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Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptySun May 19, 2013 11:46 pm

I am not saying abortion is morally right, but it is definitely necessary as we do not live in a third world country and the government shouldn't be restricting a woman's right to control their reproductive system. A fetus does not have cognitive though, and doesn't meet the seven qualities of life so it does not constitute as murder and shouldn't bother anyone. Also, those who complain about "oh it's a life wasted; you denied it's potential" think about when people jerk off or ovulate. The millions of sperm cells and hundreds of eggs that instantaneously die are all "potential lives" that were just ended. So did you know every time you wanked off you're a murderer???? Plus there's no scientific consensus as to where human life begins as it's a matter of philosophic opinion and religious belief.

Not just that, a woman should not be forced to carry out a pregnancy because having sex does not mean you're irresponsible. Birth control, condoms, whatever, works 99% of the time so if any of these methods are used and failed, a woman should automatically be PUNISHED for her bad luck? Really? Motherhood should never be punishment for having sex and forcing a child to be born to punish its mother is the ultimate child abuse. People make mistakes in life and just because you don't approve of what they did you don't have the right to decide what punishment they deserve. Not only would you affect the mother by the way, you'd affect the baby. Having the child will hurt three people and possibly more as well as create another poverty stricken couple being dredges in society. The baby is almost guaranteed to have a bad life as they were unwanted (as bad as that sounds) and many unwanted babies are abused and neglected and suffer lifelong developmental and social problems... what kind of fucking life is that. BUT WAIT. THERE'S MORE. Laws against abortion does not stop abortion, it just makes it less safe. Did you know over 27,000 youth age out of foster care? Which means they have literally no emotional or financial support once they turn 18 and expelled from care? Plus the numbers have been rising TREMENDOUSLY over the past decade. So telling a couple "oh, just give birth to the fucking baby and give it up for adoption" is irresponsible as fuck.
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Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptyMon May 20, 2013 12:04 am

I'm Catholic, so yeah, abortion is a dumb idea if you ask me. It is killing an infant child that cannot say anything in its defense.

And I hate how so many people lack common morals that people used to have before common times.
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PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptyMon May 20, 2013 12:05 am

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Mikkel's farts make my day/night
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Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptyMon May 20, 2013 12:07 am

SurfLapras wrote:
I'm Catholic, so yeah, abortion is a dumb idea if you ask me. It is killing an infant child that cannot say anything in its defense.

And I hate how so many people lack common morals that people used to have before common times.

And you're lacking common sense. You have to think about situations, circumstances and question things rather than just sitting there and and accepting that's it's just wrong! because the Bible says so! and God says it's bad! while you're wearing mixed fabrics and eating shellfish and pork and whatever else...
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PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptyMon May 20, 2013 12:19 am

Just because you're catholic doesn't mean you follow all the church's beliefs. I'm Catholics, but I have my own point of view. 3 weeks ago, we had a confirmation class discussion and I was able to tell everyone where I stood.
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PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptyMon May 20, 2013 12:23 am

Has anyone won yet?
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PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptyMon May 20, 2013 12:30 am

Zink wrote:
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Mikkel's farts make my day/night

Thank you cheers

But anyway: Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 Tumblr_mn1mvxWLf21qe31lco3_500
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PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptyMon May 20, 2013 12:31 am

Are they killing a raccoon with a road flair/roman candle and a skateboard?
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PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptyMon May 20, 2013 12:37 am

*racoon jumps and bites faces off*
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PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptyMon May 20, 2013 12:37 am

Why are they deliberately harming an animal who's most likely not going to do anything to them????????????

Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 Tumblr_inline_mn2mwvW0bC1qz4rgp
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Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptyMon May 20, 2013 12:37 am

Never said anything about God telling me it was bad.

According to my beliefs, I think it is bad.
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PostSubject: Re: Post Anything that makes your day/night   Post Anything that makes your day/night - Page 6 EmptyMon May 20, 2013 12:44 am

Idk I just posted it to make sure the thread doesn't get off topic again. Lol
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